Friday, June 1, 2012

Cochabamba Tour, 1 June, 2012

"Don't say your're from America", he warned, "some people will take that as arrogant because we're all from America". I remembered hearing this one other time, perhaps when going through customs on my way into France. The point is well taken, as I'm sure a South African can't simply claim all of Africa as his nationality. Still, it's really stuck in my head since Ukrainians never say spoluscheni shtatakh ameriki, it's just too long and difficult to pronounce, even if you are Ukrainian. But I'll work on changing my ways. I think E.U. will work, even though in my head, I just think of the European Union.
My time line is starting to sort itself out. I'll go ahead and splurge on a $100 flight up to Riberalta this Tuesday, since I have all of my stuff, some presents for N's family, and a care package from V to get up there. It's amazing that the bus would take more than two days while the plane takes less than two hours including a stop. I guess there really are many mountains and rainforests in the way. I'm excited for the flight. Hope I get a window seat.
Explored more of Cochabamba today. High points included fresh squeezed orange juice, 1400 stairs up to a giant statue of Christ, and a tour bus trip where I understood at least enough to turn my head the same way as everyone else…

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