Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mendoza morning rounds

vacation part of the summer over
project started yesterday
pretty intense, preview of third year
Spanish way over my head, but improving rapidly
hospital before 8 in time for morning rounds, where I seem to get a lot of questions becuase I don´t blend in well
seem to get a lot of them wrong or look stupid because I mix up my words when answering the question
like the three characteristics of graves disease which was tossed to the medical students this morning
I remembered hyperthyroidism, but got really tripped up trying to explain that the antibodies acted as receptor agonists on the TSH receptors. The other two are goiter and orbitopathy (Retroorbital fibroblasts secrete GAG in response to cytokines such as interferon gamma and TNF alpha secreted by TH1 cells). Yes, they use UptoDate...which I hop on in the residents lounge to answer the lists of questions that pile up in my notebook.
Ít ended up well though, next patient had an ulcer and I answered a question thrown out about how often antibiotics should be applied to the wound (only if infected because they kill healing skin cells) and the attending was impressed.
so yeah, super fun, great review, and the residents are really helpful and awesome
they said they´ll help me get my project done no problem
but that first I should come out dancing with them this weekend
so yeah, guess I should update my blog
but even more awesome
I saw my first natural birth yesterday
seeing the first breath of life and the baby go from blue to pink was amazing
I got goosebumps allover
couldn´t think at all when asked what APGAR stands for (appearance(color), pulse, grimmace (reflex), activity, respiration) 
or whether to suction mouth first or nose first (mouth).
Lots to learn, but it is all very relevant. Back to feeling like there are not enough hours in the day, not rushed or stressed, but pushing the pace nicely.
More to come later. Off to go find a modista or costurera to add some more pockets onto this white coat I bought down here.

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